Abusing bang methods in Ruby for fun and profit

Ruby has a quasi-convention of taking a method, slightly modifying its behavior, and denoting it with a trailing exclaimation mark, e.g. #select becomes #select!. Sometimes these methods raise an error, modify the receiver in place, or return nil on no-op, or do some combination of these, or something else entirely. Such methods are collectively referred to as “bang” methods, and there’s no hard-and-fast rule for what makes them special—just that they are “more dangerous” than their non-bang counterparts.

Today I’d like to write about bang methods that modify their receivers in place and return nil on no-op, and how you can improve performance in Ruby applications by (ab)using them to reduce object churn in hot paths.

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Always set X-Forwarded-Proto


If your Rack application (and probably other types of applications) lives behind a reverse proxy, always set an X-Forwarded-Proto request header. I recently ran into an issue where Rack::Session (which I’m using for an OAuth1.0a server-side login flow) wouldn’t let me set a secure cookie because it didn’t think I was serving a secure web site.

I have forwardfor disabled in my HAproxy config because I’m using PROXY protocol to talk to Varnish. Manually adding the X-Forwarded-Proto header to the request fixed the issue, and now I want those three hours of my life back! Hopefully this comes up in someone else’s frantic googling at some point in the future and saves them a similar headache.